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About Arachno-Habitat

From a simple spark of curiosity, a profound passion has emerged—an insatiable drive to explore and comprehend the diverse array of species within the arachnid class. Hence, the fundamental mission of Arachno-Habitat is to serve as a comprehensive resource, brimming with enlightening insights. We aspire for Arachno-Habitat to metamorphose into a vibrant platform, welcoming both curious visitors and dedicated keepers within the arachnid community. Together, let us embark on a journey of discovery, enriching our understanding and appreciation of these remarkable creatures. 



I'm Oscar; the creator and author behind Arachno-Habitat, and a true enthusiast of the fauna and all its inhabitants. However, my field of expertise, which I indulge myself in every day, is the area of arachnids and everything the creepy crawlers have to offer. I'm not an expert in these fields, but I see the challenge, to one day become one through education and experience by observing and studying them.

My Story

I was born with a rare neuromuscular disorder known as Kungelberg Welander disease, more commonly recognized as spinal muscular atrophy III. This genetic condition weakens muscle strength throughout the body due to an anomaly in the SMN1 gene. This gene is critical as it produces the SMN protein vital for motor neuron survival. While this disorder, or disability, presents numerous challenges in daily life, I've learned that obstacles often pave the way for opportunities. Through these challenges, I've discovered my passions. Having a passion—something to immerse oneself in daily—has been crucial for me in finding purpose amidst adversity.


Growing up, nature was always within arm's reach for me. Living close to the woods and the Baltic Sea meant that I spent a lot of time in these natural environments. Over time, I became deeply attached to them, and I found myself increasingly fascinated by the creatures that inhabited the woods. Each specimen seemed to have a purpose and a role to play: ants diligently creating their pathways for workers to transport food and materials, spiders patiently waiting on their intricate webs or strategically hunting their prey using vision rather than vibration, bumblebees flitting from flower to flower, pollinating their surroundings.


Everywhere I looked, there was something to study, whether it was a plant or an animal. It didn't matter because each one reflected the complexity and beauty of nature. However, what truly captivated me, despite being a source of fear and discomfort for most people, were the eight-legged creepy crawlers—spiders. I couldn't help but be amazed by them—a creature so delicate yet incredibly agile, effortlessly traversing any surface in its path. The vast array of colors and structures among spider species fascinated me, and I found there was always something new to learn and observe about them.

As college approached, I faced a pivotal decision, and I followed my heart into the Natural Science program. It was a choice filled with hope and anticipation, offering me the chance to explore my passion for biology and chemistry in greater depth. But the journey wasn't easy. There were moments of doubt, times when the path seemed daunting, and challenges that tested my resolve. Yet, through perseverance and determination, I emerged, finally holding my degree in hand.

In that moment, I knew with absolute certainty where my true calling lay—teaching biology. It was a dream born out of years spent marveling at the wonders of nature, and now, it was within reach. Every step forward felt like a triumph, every obstacle overcome a testament to my unwavering dedication.


Today, as I continue my journey, I am filled with a profound sense of purpose. I am not just pursuing a career; I am following my heart's desire to share the beauty of biology with others. As I work towards becoming an official teacher, I carry with me the hope and determination that have brought me this far.


Arachno-Habitat has been a dream of mine for countless years. As the owner and caregiver of over 100 spider species, alongside other exotic animals, I've experienced firsthand the challenges of finding reliable facts and information about these fascinating creatures. This inspired me to create a platform dedicated to arachnids, particularly spiders, where readers can embark on a journey tailored to their interests and needs. Whether you're a casual observer, driven by curiosity, or an enthusiast seeking to deepen your understanding, Arachno-Habitat offers a range of resources. From basic information to more advanced insights, our platform caters to individuals at every stage of their arachnid adventure. Additionally, I recognize the importance of providing essential care information for pet owners, ensuring they have access to the knowledge necessary to care for their beloved companions effectively.


Enjoy Arachno-Habitat


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